Founded in 1992, the private renters association of La Rosière (ALP)
Rental prices are freely set by the owners and may vary depending on the quality of the accommodation, its location in the resort or its exposure.
The majority of our accommodation are ranked from 1 to 4 stars bu UDOTSI of Savoie.
Go to www.alp-larosiere.com to find deals, availabilities, prices and a description with photos of each property.
Welcome details :
All of our accommodation is rated between 1 and 4 stars, according to its surface area, capacity and conveniences.
Languages spoken : English, French
Location details :
From Bourg St Maurice, follow the road to the Petit Sintt Bernard pass until you reach La Rosière, SUMMER ONLY
Train and bus station in Bourg Saint Maurice (28 km from La Rosière)
Openings :
From 01/01 to 31/12.