La Rosiere Trail Blanc

The Trail Blanc de La Rosière - 9th edition. In the snow and at twilight, traverse the mountain in a sporty and friendly atmosphere.

With a sunset start, you'll be able to enjoy a magical mountain atmosphere. Switch on your headlamp and set off along the snowy paths of the resort.

There are three routes on the programme, starting from the Les Eucherts snow front:
- a 5K course (5.3km), 244m D+ (timed and classified) departing at 6:30pm [€5].
- a 10K course (10.5km), 431m D+ (timed and classified) starting at 6:30pm [10€].
- a 20km course (20.1km), 862m D+ (timed and classified) starting at 6pm [15€].
The courses will be announced soon.

For parking, remember to park in the Entrée Station car park, next to the X-Treme Luge.

Min age : 14 ans

Max group size : 250 personnes

Languages spoken : English, French

Openings :
Friday 28 March 2025.
Subject to favorable weather.

Lieu :
Place des Eucherts

Rates :

20km : €15
10km : €10
5km : €5.

Booking :

Booking details :
Rules for the Trail Blanc de la Rosière
Race on 07/02/2025

1- Organization
La Rosière Tourisme
Contact : /
Célia Poujade : +33 / Paul Grasset : +33

2- Races
• La Rosière 20K (20.1km), 862m elevation gain
Individual race
Starts at 5:15 PM at Les Eucherts.

• La Rosière 10K (10.5km), 443m elevation gain
Individual race
Starts at 6:00 PM at Les Eucherts.

• La Rosière 5K (5.3km), 244m elevation gain
Starts at 6:00 PM at Les Eucherts.
Open to Masters, Seniors, Espoirs, Juniors, Cadets, Minimes.
3- Allowed Categories for the Races
20km : Open to Masters, Seniors, Espoirs, Juniors
10km : Open to Masters, Seniors, Espoirs, Juniors, Cadets.
5km : Open to Masters, Seniors, Espoirs, Juniors, Cadets, Minimes.

4- Award and Reward
The awards ceremony will take place at La Rosière after the race, at 7:30 PM.
Podiums will be announced and photographed.
Prizes will be awarded to :
The top 3 in men and women's overall times across all three distances.

5- Registration, Fees, and Options
20 km: €15
10 km: €10
5 km: €5
Two ways to register:
• Online on the website:
• On-site at Place des Eucherts starting from 4:15 PM
Online pre-registration is recommended as the number of bibs is limited.

6- Mandatory License or Medical Certificate
• For non-licensed participants, a medical certificate stating no contraindication to competitive running, dated within one year of the race day.
• For licensed participants, either their FFA license, FFTRI licenses, with the mention of athletics for FSGT, UFOLEP, FSCF. Copies of licenses and medical certificates must be presented during bib collection. They will be kept by the organization for 1 year.

7- Mandatory Equipment
Runners must have the following mandatory equipment for all three courses of the Trail blanc :
• Charged headlamp, with spare batteries for more than 4 hours of autonomy
• A water reserve
• Whistle (often integrated into trail backpacks)
• Survival blanket with a minimum size of 1.4m x 1.8m (mandatory for the 20 km, highly recommended for the 10 km and 5 km)
• Charged mobile phone, turned on, working on the French network, with emergency number registered:
• Poles are allowed.
Bag checks will be carried out by the organizers (at the start, during the race, and at the finish), so participants must have the mandatory equipment with them throughout the entire race.
Strongly recommended equipment, to be adapted according to the weather and the runner :
• Snow chains like Yaktrax or equivalent
• Appropriate attire for nocturnal winter cold at altitude (2000m)

8- Bib Distribution
Bib distribution will take place on the same day, starting from 4:15 PM. Bib distribution ends at 5:50 PM.
• First start for the 20km at 5:15 PM
• Second start for the 10km and 5km at 6:00 PM. Both starts will take place at Place des Eucherts.
9- Withdrawal
In case of non-participation, it is possible to transfer the bib to another person, whose identity must be specified to the organization at least 48 hours before the race.
Anyone transferring their bib to another person without informing the organization will be held responsible in the event of an accident that occurs or is caused by the latter during the race. Anyone with a bib acquired in violation of this regulation may be disqualified. The bib must be fully readable during the race. The organization disclaims any responsibility in case of an accident in such a situation.
10- Time Limits, Controls, and Withdrawals
A time limit is set and will be reminded to the runners on the race day. It is located on the snowfront, at the end of the 5km course.
10 km runners must reach km 5 before 6:45 PM in a maximum of 45 minutes.
20 km runners must reach km 10 before 6:45 PM (1h30 into the race).
Runners who committed to the 10km and 20km and are beyond the time limit at the time of the time limit must return their bib and will be classified in the 10km and 5km.
Any withdrawal must be reported to the race director and then return the bib at the trail finish. The runner can wait for the sweep team to return together to the finish, or they can return to the finish by their own means under their sole responsibility. A sweep team will close the courses.

11- Refreshment Stations
For the 20km, 10km, and 5km: at the finish at Place des Eucherts, there will be refreshments and a post-race snack.

12- Environmental Protection
Any abandonment of equipment, littering outside designated areas will result in the disqualification of the offending participant.

13- Disqualification
Participants will be eliminated for reasons such as:
• Absence of bibs,
• Bib falsification,
• Partial or total absence of mandatory equipment,
• Late arrival at the competition start by more than 10 minutes,
• Pollution and degradation of the traversed sites (trail cutting, littering),
• Exceeding the time limit
• Failure to follow the route

14- Weather
In the event of very adverse weather conditions, organizers reserve the right to modify part or all of the course for obvious safety reasons. However, the start and finish locations will remain unchanged.

15- Safety
Security personnel will be present on the course. Marshals will mark the course and be in radio contact with the race control center. Medical staff will be authorized to remove the bib and disqualify any participant unfit to continue the race. Runners are required to assist anyone in difficulty.
The emergency contact number is

16- Civil Liability Insurance
The organization has specific civil liability insurance for the event. However, runners must have their own civil liability insurance. It is emphasized that in the event of medical evacuation (ambulance, helicopter, etc.) or bodily injury, these expenses will be borne by the runner if not insured.
Participation in the event is entirely at the runner's own risk, with a waiver of any recourse against the organizers for any damage suffered or caused.
FFA license holders benefit from the guarantees provided by the insurance linked to their license. Other participants are responsible for taking out individual accident insurance. Individual insurance is offered to runners during online registration, up to the day before the race, for example:

17- Regulation Modification
The organizing committee reserves the right to modify the regulation, course, and schedules. The runner undertakes to check the regulation the day before the race to be aware of any changes.
The runner agrees to check the regulation during bib collection to be aware of any changes.

18- Right to Image and Anonymity
By participating, runners authorize the press, the La Rosière Tourist Office, and its partners to use on all media the images and videos taken, in which they may be visible.
Results will be published on the finish line website and the following website:
In accordance with the "Computer and Freedoms" law, participants can oppose the publication of their results on these sites in case of a legitimate reason.

19- GDPR (Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données)
The information collected about you is the subject of processing intended for the La Rosière Tourist Office only.
Purposes : To contact you to inform you about the Trail or other events in the resort.
The data will be stored for at least 1 year.
You have the right to access, rectify, port, erase, or limit the processing of your data. You can object to the processing of your data and have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by contacting or +33 4 79 06 83 14.
You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

20- Acknowledgment and Acceptance of the Regulation
By registering, you acknowledge having read the regulations and commit to complying with them.