Audi FIS Women’s Ski World Cup La Thuile

The queens of speed challenge themselves once again for the third time on the 3-Franco Berthod, a course that showcases their skills and offers a spectacular show.

The Aosta Valley resort hosts the Alpine Ski World Cup, with the following schedule:
-A race on Thursday, March 13
-A Super-G downhill on Friday, March 14, from 11:00 AM to 6:30 PM
-A Super-G downhill on Saturday, March 15, from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM

A spectacular event is guaranteed on one of the most challenging and demanding slopes in the world, as described by the athletes themselves: the legendary Number 3 Franco Berthod, the steepest in Italy.

Languages spoken : French

Openings :
From Thursday 13 to Saturday 15 March 2025.

Lieu :
La Thuile

Booking :