Learn all about th history of the Little Saint-Bernard pass as you follow this marked trail dotted with information panels telling you about the Hospice, energy, water and the wetlands present on the pass, the local flora and the mountain pastures. You can also admire stunning views of the surrounding peaks and valleys
The Hospice du Petit Saint Bernard: First erected in the 9th century, the hospice is a symbol of a long tradition of hospitality. It offered food and a bed to any passers-by who risked getting caught in bad weather. Now renovated, the hospice provides information and houses an interactive exhibition on the history of the pass, as well as gite-restaurant.
The alpine garden at chanousia: Located at an altitude of 2172m, this alpine garden includes some 1000 species of mountain plants. It's open to the public from July to September (dates may change depending on snow cover)
Target audience : Level bue - Medium, Walkers/hikers
Welcome details :
Chaussures de montagne conseillées. Utilisez les sentiers balisés, véhicules à moteurs interdits, ne jetez pas vos détritus, tenez votre chien en laisse.
Location details :
Parking near the Hospice du Petit Saint-Bernard. In July-August, shuttle possible from Bourg St Maurice or Séez or La Rosière to the Col du Petit Saint-Bernard (timetables on 04 79 41 00 54)
Pets accepted : yes
Openings :
From 01/07 to 31/10.
Rates :